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Miguel Caló - La milonga de Buenes Aires Превод текста

Milonga u Buenes Airesu

/Klubovi/ prijateljstva i milonge u Buenos Airesu
Svake noći izvodi se najmanje po 40 milongi, svake noći.
U proseku ima po 200, 300 ljudi
Jako mnogo ljudi pleše tango.
Ovo je jedna klasična tradicionalna milonga regulisana pravilima .
Tu dolazi narod da se upoznaju jedni sa drugima
da se upoznaju ljudi, uključujući i one iz drugih delova sveta
ljudi iz unutrašnjosti, starosedeoci…
Mi plešemo u grupama redom,
0.36 - Jorge Juanatey - Posetioc Tango Kluba ,,El Beso,, /poljubac/
Svaka grupa koja igra ima četiri tanga ,a od četiri valcera tri su milonge.
Ako bolje pogledate, videćete da su žene sa jedne strane, a muškarci sa druge.
Mi pozivamo na ples žene sa jednim pokretom glave.
Ali za to ima i žena koje zagledaju nas
Tako reći morate se susresti pogledom.
1.08 - Jorge García - Posetioc kluba ,,El Beso,,
Glava uz glavu, to je način i stil u milongi,
ne može da se šmugne na vrata, ostanete da platite,
ili kada vi izvedete devojku, a ona da kaže ne plešem.
Dakle, to je već jedan običaj u Buenos Airesu, zar ne ?
Danas žene takođe plešu.
Ne u većini slučajeva, ali počinju da se uključuju .
1.30 - Leonardo Pankow – igrać, posetioc kluba - ,,La Viruta,,
Ima muškaraca kojima to odgovara i onih kojima ne.
Ali u stvarnosti uvek je žena ta koja odlučuje.
Jer ako žena ne pogleda, nema načina da izađe.
Mislim da su pravila najvažnija,
to je poštovanje žene sa kojom se igra.
Izvodimo ženu da pleše i zato joj prepuštamo vođstvo.
Kao u životu, zar ne ?
Tango je muškarac …
Muškarac predlaže, žena odlučuje…
Za mene je to kao molitva.
Naprimer, u tangu morate hodati kako se hoda i u životu, sa elegancijom, uraditi malo i dobro, a ne mnogo a loše.
Nije važno da li si uradio dobro ili pogrešno, ono što je važno je kontaktirati sa drugima.
Odeš u bar, a nisi u vezi sa tim – drugim. a grliš se sa drugim.
2,25 - Marcela Conti /Igračica posetioc kluba ´La Viruta´´
Ti si …,,kao sa drugim,, i ništa, to je baš dobro.
Ima izvesnih ,,troškova,, o kojima se ne pregovara:
kao što su zagrljaj, zagrljaj je glavni, prisan zagrljaj, muzika, muzikalnost, ples, koraci po podu i uzbuđenje drugih.
Taj zagrljaj je već sam po sebi dovoljan element, nazovimo ga, motivacioni faktor.
Meni krv uzavre kada plešm
Zato plešem, jer sam osećajan.
To je: kao imati ženu pored sebe, ako je ne osjećaš, i nemaš je.
Takav je tango.
Verbalni kontakt /razgovor/ sa ženom uspostavljamo između dva tanga.
To je nauka koja se mora savladati.
Ima ljudi koji dođu prvi put, i okupirani su da nauče milongu.
Milonga zaslužne nagrađuje .
Ovdje ćete naći kako sede jedan uz drugog: i mesara, i advokata, sudiju, doktora i lopova.
Po meni ima mnogo toga da se vidi u prostoru za igru
Mislim da ovo treba biti otvoreno i dostupno celom svetu
Za mene, milonga je trg za predstavu.
Ovde dolazimo bez obzira na sve.
Milonga otvara vrata svima ne samo slikarima, fotografima, plesačima, muzičarima.
Svima koji plešemo ovde:
4.07 - Omar Viola – organizador de ,,Milonga Parakultural,,
Za mene je funkcija milonge, da nas ispunjava.
On je možda jedini organizator koji brani milongu
da bude na lošem glasu.
Pičke su ljudi koji se na primer plaše milonge.
Ona ti može naprimer reći, vidi / ulaznice/
Ne, znaš šta imam ?
Stalo mi je do plesa, to mi je posao.
4.55 - Héctor ,,Cachirulo,, organizador ,,El Beso,,
Nema više mesta. iako je sada prazno uzmite kartu, uvek im to kažem.
Tango se mora poštovati.
Nikad u papučama. Ja ne želim menjati role.
Ne pravim razliku, tango su muškarac i žena,
muškarac i žena za sav život.
Takav je tango.
Ja sam bila pre 20 godina, bila je drugacija atmosfera i ljudi
I volim doći i ne sresti nikoga iz tog vremena.
I vidim sve mlade ljude
Nestali su pesnici, nestali su muzičari, bespovratno,
ostali su samo pojedini koji su se žestoko opirali…
Mesto gde je tango najviše odoleo bila je milonga.
I odjednom, ne znam. Sada imamo orkestar koji svira uživo i za nas koji plešemo, to je tri puta bolje od ploče.
I vi vibrirate s tipom koji to svira. I to je dobro.
Milonga je način na koji opisujem srce koje kuca cele godine.
Bez nje tango … bi umro .
Tango će svakako preživeti jer nam je u našem DNK.
Tango je okretan, vidite ljude koji se božanstveno kreću
Planeti u kosmosu takođe igraju sličnu igru.
Tango je metafora života.
Jedan poljak je rekao : ,,Tango te čeka,,

Још текстова песама из овог уметника: Miguel Caló

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Let it fly

Let it fly
Let it fly
Let it fly

Let it live
Let it fly
Let it fly

Let it fly
Let it fly
Let it fly

Let it live
Let it fly
In the middle of bullseye
Swishes right through the hoop*

I remember the branch and the tree
I remember the shared mouth
I remember the grand longing

I share a room with you
I share a shirt with you
Until I depart into the rain

I remember the branch and the tree
I remember the sad mop and the moon
I watch as the rock breathes
I watch as fingers leave prints
I watch everything over again
I listen closely to sky and earth

I everything doesn't fit into the cranium
One can hide their face in their shirt
Even a chair can be a friend
With it one can laugh and cry
One can watch a movie on the ceiling
And feel the rain in one's soul
A mosquito flies with us
It would like a drop of our blood

Let it fly
Let it fly
Let it fly

Let it live
Let it fly

I left you behind
I left you behind
And went away
Sometimes you just have to leave to see
Open the door and walk into the rain

I remember your gaze
I remember your agony
I remember the throe in one's** soul

I remember the branch and the tree
I remember the shared mouth
I remember the tranquil moon


Italian Twist

(Hey, paisano, Italian twist,
and joy, twistin' like a-crazy,

Round and round like a pizza pie,
turn, turn, do and die.
Hey, paisano, Italian twist,
hey, baby, drink a little wine.

I took a trip to Italy
and what do you think I saw?
Well, everybody was doin' the twist
from nine to ninety-four.

Oh, you should see Sophia twist,
she swings from north to south
and when Gina shakes her hips,
the boys all twist and shout.

Hey, paisano, Italian twist,
and joy, twistin' like a-crazy,

Turn, dear, turn, lover
doin' the twist at the sleazy bar.
Hey, paisano, Italian twist,
hey, baby, drink a little wine.

In Rome, I met a fella
they called Chubby Knock
and when he starts to do the twist,
the girl begins to yell.

And when I went to Venice town,
I saw the strangest sight:
gondaliers were twistin' 'round
and singin' through the night.

Hey, paisano, Italian twist,
and joy, twistin' like a-crazy,

Turn, dear, turn, lover
doin' the twist at the sleazy bar.

Hey, paisano, Italian twist,
and joy, twistin' like a-crazy,

Round and round like a pizza pie,
turn, turn, do and die.
Hey, paisano, Italian twist,
hey, baby, drink a little wine.

Hey, paisano, Italian twist,
and joy, twistin' like a-crazy,



Another one of those
Who wrecks you entirely
And doesn't stay to fix things
I'll say it to you straight
You deserve better

This is the new you, a new chapter,
and here the rules are different
Now is your time to decide
who you let in close
I know it still hurts,
but you will fall in love again

I promise that the next time cherries are blossoming
You won't taste it on lips anymore
Old wounds heal on new skin
You'll see - baby you'll see

I promise that the next time cherries are blossoming
You'll glow again, and get your energies back
Old wounds heal on new skin
You'll see - baby you'll see

There's still feelings, but
You'll get over it
Even though you don't think so yet
A new door opens when
One closes behind you
Mmm, yeah

This is the new you, a new chapter,
and here the rules are different
Now is your time to decide
who you let in close
I know it still hurts,
but you will fall in love again

I promise that the next time cherries are blossoming
You won't taste it on lips anymore
Old wounds heal on new skin
You'll see - baby you'll see

I promise that the next time cherries are blossoming
You'll glow again, and get your energies back
Old wounds heal on new skin
You'll see - baby you'll see

Now is your turn to pick
just what works for you
Let it go if it hurts
Now is your turn to pick
just what works for you
Time to choose yourself first

I promise that the next time cherries are blossoming
You won't taste it on lips anymore
Old wounds heal on new skin
You'll see - baby you'll see

I promise that the next time cherries are blossoming
You'll glow again, and get your energies back
Old wounds heal on new skin
You'll see - baby you'll see


Open a Path for You

Exhausted from each other like this , receiving back gossip and mockery
I don’t get a bit of comfort or carefree satisfaction
Letting go of everything, I make an effort even though I know it will collapse
Longing for ambiguity, but I still always stand and wait

(Loving) each other deeply, then split in two, I thought that love wouldn’t fade
Caring to the point of being superficial, so I also don’t know who to blame
Many tragedies and comedies fall upon my shoulders, I bear the numbness of the whole sky
I have to make a way, sending you off, hoping to be reconciled

Since the day you left, I toss and turn at every thought
A piercing pain in my heart, I don’t see peace or leisure anywhere
Since the day you became far away, I fell apart on a pouring rainy afternoon
Deep years and months disappeared with the cold sunset

The emptiness of late nights, I silently light a few drops of spare oil
My heart burns out, I have to embrace sorrow alone
The shaky love story split the two of us, each person on one branch
Disasters and misfortunes, why must I be the one to bear them?